Thursday, January 05, 2006

If Less is More Then We Have the Most

If you haven’t heard, I currently live in a small town outside San Antonio called Waring. The town has a population of approximately 52 including me and my dog, Girl. Ironically, as I write this, that classic rock song about being raised in a small town is blaring on the radio behind me...

The town of Waring recently adopted a new unofficial town motto: “If less is more than we have the most!” It will only be official when it appears on a t-shirt at the general store. I say it is unofficial because I came up with it. I am hoping the good folks of Waring will embrace the saying at adopt it as their own, seeing as it stems from a philosophical way of thinking a la “less is more.”

Every notable town has a motto. “Everybody’s somebody in Luckenbach.” “The City of Brotherly Love,” “The Big Apple,” “The Windy City,” and one of my favorites out of Mentone, Texas: “If everybody has to be somewhere, why isn’t anybody here?”

Of course, Waring had some mottos that did not make the cut. The following is a list of those mottos. These were eliminated on several pieces of criteria, the least of which was the amount of truth found within them.

- No imbreds here. Just ask my sister/cousin.
- You can meet the Waring mayor, sheriff and fire chief when he’s not busy.
- Our only gross domestic product (GDP) is in the septic tank
- The last African American left here in 1956.
- Now entering/leaving Waring
- Waring, Texas: Founded in 1526 by Spanish explorer Cabeza de Vaca and his rag-tag band of hardy sidekicks
- Where-ing?
- “I thought I was lost – turns out I am.”
- Santa stops here first
- Birthplace of Christianity
- If this isn’t the center of the universe, than why do people do so many doughnuts at the intersection?
- Birthplace of President John Quincy Adams

Obviously these are good, but they do not pack the philosophical punch that the winning motto carries. Perhaps it’s true. We do not have most of what people consider “essentials.” We do not have a bank, gas station, ATM machine, or hookers. But we do have happiness, friends, neighbors, and when it all goes down hill, shoulders to lean on in every direction. So truly, if less is more than we surely have the most.

I think it’s a motto we can all agree on. All 52 of us.


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