Thursday, December 07, 2006

Insomniacs Anonymous Postpone Major Decision, Vow to 'Sleep on it'

Franklin, TN - I don't really have a point to this post other than to say its 5:15 in the morning and I am wide awake. This is not normal for me seeing as I usually have no problem falling asleep and all kinds of trouble waking up. In a quick assessment, I can blame my wide-awake status on any one of the following items:

1.) I have a cold and the bizarre cycle of drowsy/non-drowsy medicine is toying with my sleep patterns. ( I failed also to avoid the "avoid alcohol" stipulation on the medicine box)

2.) I saw the Denzel Washington movie "Deja Vu" right before I went to sleep. At this point in my post I will now utilize sub-points to my numbered points. The following are the jokes any of which you can choose from about seeing "Deja Vu"

A. I felt like I'd already seen it.

B. It was so good, I'm want to see it again, again.

C. Have I posted this before?

D. It was just like every other Denzel movie.

E. (This will blow your mind) What about a sequel?!?!?

3.) My neuro-rambon calcitrators have overloaded my mainframe gigatoople algorithms causing the fluctuating actuators to dispense extremely high levels of flyvo-hadnoids in my ramnoid. This little "disruption" caused an unnaturally strong abhorrency level in my phoot-nads. The result? Just a little gagnitus in my impetonator valve causing, what else, but my extremely open eyeballs.

(Editors note: The previous paragraph is completely made up and contains absolutely no real scientific value whatsoever. The blogger who posted this has zero scientific credibilty and more than likely made up all the words that sound the least bit scientific.)

I am hoping that a little early-morn surfing of the net will tire my dreary balls (EYE balls..thank you very much) and I will drift off to that mythical land they call Slumber. Until then, I will count the threads in my sheets. That shouldn't take too long.

That's the story of my life...


Blogger Jenny said...

I'm sorry you can't sleep. I can empathize - I originally started blogging to have something to do during the long, early morning hours when I should have been asleep.

I finally checked the comments on my blog. Thanks for reading and for the "food for thought." It made my day.

I really enjoyed your post. Good luck with the sleeping...


4:58 PM  
Blogger Martha Elaine Belden said...

yuck... i hate not sleeping... 'cause, man, i love sleeping!

i could sleep all day long, i think... and i'd be loving life. well, as long as i could eat the occasional chocolate chip cookie... life without chocolate chip cookies would be no kinda life

(but seriously... good luck with the sleep... hope you get some soon ;)

2:58 PM  
Blogger Martha Elaine Belden said...

wait... i think i've read this before

8:13 PM  

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