Friday, January 06, 2006

E.T. Would Phone Home But...

Sprint seems to always cut off his phone service at the most inopportune moment. Does anyone else out there deal with this problem as often as I do? Somehow, with the way sprint is set up, if your last payment overlaps next months bill for two seconds (and you exceed your ridiculously low credit limit) Sprint unmericifully flips the switch on your service. I have always imagined this process taking place in some sort of gaunt board room full of sinister old men with long nose hairs sitting around a giant on/off switch that simply says "Winston's Sprint PCS Service." They then laugh obnoxiously as Wendell, the elder of the group, throws the switch and kills my service.

One time, I was in the middle of trying to find a friend's house in the dark when Sprint cut off my service. Because I was unable to call her, I had to drive around for thirty minutes looking for the d%#@ house. At one point I made an illegal u-turn in a last ditch effort to find the house of the girl I couldn't call and got pulled over by a Texas highway patrol officer who was very surrepticiously perched behind a billboard watching my phoneless escapade unfold the entire time!!!

Ugh. Luckily, the outages never last long. I just make it to the nearest computer and pay my bill. Whatever happened to the good old days when the phone company cut off your phone after you missed like six payments. Oh well...

That's the story of my life...


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