Monday, January 09, 2006

Metlife Blimp Passes Over Waring, Citizens Awed By Massive Dirigible

Waring, Texas - Today I am seated under the front portico of the Waring General Store shamelessly borrowing a wireless internet signal from the small business across the street. This store is one of those places that time truly forgot. The gas pumps still register gas here at 44 cents per gallon. Which by my calculations was the price of gas in 1856. My dad tells me it was more like 1970ish. My dad always says when he was a boy gas only cost a nickel. Which, again by my calculations would have put the gas in 1920 at -5 cents per gallon. The gas attendant acutally payed you five cents to buy gas. But I digress...

It was on a wonderfully sunny day just like today just several weeks ago that the good folks of Waring, Texas, witnessed a spectacle the likes of which may never be seen here again. At approximately 9:03 a.m. on October 17, the Metlife blimp puttered into view from the southeast headed northwest at a blistering 21 miles per hour and flew directly over the town.

When it first appeared on the horizon, the employees of Servpro ( a water and fire damage restoration company that comprises at least a quarter of the employment opportunities here) gathered on the steps by the stop sign pointing and giggling in awe at the monstrous zeppelin floating across the landscape. Then running like giddy school children the employees waved and hollered at the pilots of the blimp.

Pilot One: Hey, look at that.
Pilot Two: Are those monkeys?
Pilot One: No those are regular citizens, just like you and me.
Pilot Two: Oh. I thought they were monkeys.

A sturdy headwind left the blimp limp as it struggled northward, leaving Waring forever, but not before leaving us with a story that the good folks of Waring will tell their chilren and their children's children.

Grandpa: Did I ever tell you about the time the Metlife blimp flew over Waring?
Grandson: Yes. Now leave me alone.
Grandpa: Sorry.

The Metlife blimp's brief appearance here is proof positive that this town is not like every other town. Why else would a blimp pilot go out of his way to pass through? Ah, until next time.

That's th e story of my life...


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