Monday, March 20, 2006

Two Ships Pass in Waring, Town Left in Shambles

Waring, TX - Waring is a wonderful funny small place. For the second time since I have lived here I met a person crossing the continental United States on a bicycle. What's even more amazing is that these people are somehow finding their way through Waring on their cross country treks.

Last Monday, I met Amy Reichenbach standing in front of the General Store here in Waring. Amy started her westward bicycle journey in Florida in January and did not make it to Waring until mid-March. I inquired of Amy how it was she found it to Waring at which point I dicovered a very well kept secret. Apparently, noteable cycling publications across the United States publish every year maps that show the best routes to take on country wide trips. Apparently, the powers at be decided that Waring, Texas, should be on that map and so a steady stream of cyclists pass through Waring to points beyond. I always thought Waring had a special maganimity about it.

Turns out it was just a bicycle map.

But seriously folks, I received an email today from Amy informing me she made it to El Paso on a bicycle. Can you imagine? Too many people have done sucha trip before to write a book about it, but I encouraged her to one day try it on a unicycle. Everyone would read a book about that. Luckily, before Amy departed Waring she had a chance to meet the ever-entertaining M.E. Montgomery who informed her she should purchase a parrot to sit on the handle bars. His reasoning of course is that she would have someone to talk to on the journey and, at high speeds, the small bird would spread its wings and "make you feel like you're really going somewhere."

Thank you, M.E.

I will dutifully follow Amy's journey westward and truthfully I admire her because its something I think I could see myself doing. Truly. We shall see. Until then I will continue to meet and greet the cyclists heading westward and wish them well. I will also probably bop them on their helmet playfully because that's what you do to people wearing bicycle helmets.

That's the story of my life...


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