Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Feedback Pours In From Across Globe, Definition of 'Globe' Changed by Rogue Blogger

Waring, TX - I am pleased to announce that responses have been pouring in per my recent request to hear from you (the readers). Staffers of The Whimsical World have been working around the clock to sort through the piles of mail that reached to the ceiling here at The Whimsical World Mail Room.

Here are some of the glowing praises we received. (* denotes that locations have been changed to make The Whimsical World seem bigger than it actually is.)

"After the Bible, EJ Lamb, and Ken Gire, you are hanging right in there."
Randy Wolff
Beirut, Lebanon*

"I've been reading your blog quite regularly now and have told as many people as I can about it. You can get a site tracker through blogger, I think. Anyway, I really enjoy reading about all the whimsy. A t-shirt would be awesome."

Jamie Wilson
Perth, Australia*

"I read a few entries and quickly forwarded it to everyone in my email list. Cause I think you are hilarious. And so does my mom. With all of the free advertising I did, can I get free merchandise?"

Lindsay King
Rostov, Russia*

"Just wanted you to know that I read your blogspot stories."

Le Mom
Paris, France*

"I got your link from my friend Jamie, who I guess worked with you in Colorado once upon a time. I'm enjoying it."

Anton Seim
Pascagoula, Mississippi*

"Keep up the blogging... you're a fantastic story-teller... plus it gives me more opportunities to procrastinate."

Martha Belden
Kyoto, Japan*

"Sometimes here in [Atlanta, Georgia*], the capital of The United States of America, I get a little lonely, and nothing remedies that faster than a little dose of The Whimsical World of Winston. It's like a steaming bowl of chicken soup on a cold winters' day from the kitchen at The White House which is where I work with President George W. Bush. My favorite past time is to print off copies of The Whimsical World and read them while basking in the sun on the shores of the Potomac River next to Reagan International Airport here in [Atlanta, Georgia*]. Keep up the great work!"

Condoleezza Rice
Atlanta, Georgia*

"You still make me laugh. I love it. I went to your blog and read a few....very funny, and whimsical :)"

Judah Leggett
Boston, Massachusetts*

"This is my suggestion: all of the entries into the blog, beginning with day one, need to be collected into a book. Sort of a garrison keiller type book. It makes for very entertaining reading and since you kind of build on past stories, it lends itself to a book. I would buy it and I would suggest it to all my friends."

Stephen Stinson
Tornonto, Ontario, Canada*

Thanks to all those who took the time to respond. Merchandise is coming soon! And please keep enjoying The Whimsical World.

That's the story of my life...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

9:52 AM  

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