Wednesday, November 08, 2006

eye reuhnakted thu grate escaype toonite!!

Fraynkleen, Tinuhsee- Hy. Ets mee uhgan, hart. Eye am winstun's puppee. Hee alreddy wint too sleeep sew i am riding this blawg wile he is sleeepeng. so tonite wuz reeley funney becuz lik urlieer tonite winstun and hes rumate jawnathen left fore a long tim an i wuz en the kinnel weith Gurl (shee iz th uther dawg that lives with mee) and gurl reeley haytes beeing en the kinnel and so doo i sew i sed "Gurl, lets eskape owt of heer" and gurl thawt that wuz a gewd ideeuh butt she is olde sew shee mayd mee doo awl the diggeng. and i wuz reeley tyrd and gurl kep yelleng "dig dig!" sew i kep diggeng and diggeng and finully i crawld owt and gurl did two.

theen wee didunt no ware to gew sew wee just ran all over the plaice. afur a wile gurl was tyrd (becuz shee is reeley reeley owld) sew shee wint to sleeep and thn i kep runneng all over the plaice withowt herr.

Aneeway, winstun aynd jawnathen kame hom latur and winstun akted all madd. i dont no y. he neveer tohld mee knot to digg owt frum the kinnel. hee yelld sumtheng abowt an eelektrik fince butt i hav know iddeuh wut that es. I ges i will fynd owt toomawro.

Thats th storee uf my lif...


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