Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Stardate 2006: Van Buren to Nashville

Editor's Note: This is the final posting on a trip I took last month.

Nashville, Tennessee- I left Van Buren before the sun came up. I make it a point when in Arkansas to be there as little as possible while the sun is up. I drove straight through, not stopping even to get gas. I made a very poor decision to get gas in Memphis, just across the Tennessee border. As it turns out, there are not any gas stations in Memphis. Well, I exaggerate a little but not really. I finally found a gas station in the poorest, nastiest part of Memphis.

At this point I needed to use the restroom quite bad and my bladder was starting to talk back so I tried to use the mens' restroom in the back of the ghetto gas station: locked. (And by locked I mean someone had pried the handle off.) So I went in the women's only to find the area in front of the toilet was obstructed by none other than...a lawnmower.

Memphis is sooooooo weird.

I left as fast as I could deeming Memphis as "STUPID" and vowing to never go back, ever. I rolled into Nashville later than day, delivered the furniture and dropped off Bobby the Budget Rental Truck back at his place of business. The next day I missed my early flight so I bummed around Nashville for a day, only to find the Vanderbilt campus and surrounding area was in a quagmire because President Bush just happened to be in town!

Then I made the biggest mistake of my trip: I hailed a cab. Actually, a nice, weird lady hailed me cab from a bar on 16th Avenue.

The trip took extra long because, apparently, when you are President, they close streets for you.
The couple driving the van seemed normal at first but about halway through the trip the woman in the front seat (who was not the least bit attractive) explained to me that it was a "full service cab."

Now I'm not sure why this stuff always happens to me (*see "making enchiladas" in previous post). Anyway, the lady then explained to me in detail everything they offer. At the airport she told me when I come back to visit that I should give her a call.

"We will do anything," she qualified, "but if you just want a cab ride we can do that too."


As if that wasn't odd enough, my plane sat on the tarmac for an extra ten minutes waiting for, of all things, Air Force One to rumble by...which it did. If you have never seen it in person it is a HUGE...MONSTROUS plane.

Anyway, I flew home to San Antonio that night. Yet again, a crazy adventure and an even better story.

That's the story of my life...


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