Friday, September 15, 2006

Stardate 2006: Albaquirky to Van Buren

Editor's Note: This is the continuation of my travel series on a trip I took from Phoenix to Nashville. We pick up the morning I left Alabquirky.

Albaquirky, NM - After arriving in town after two the night before, I found it exceptionally difficult to arise early the next morning. To add to the drama, my eyes were both inexplicably bloodshot..due in part I think to old contanct lenses and long hours. So I wore my sunglasses to breakfast which caught some strange looks. But, honestly I don't know a single soul in Albaquirky so just ignored them and drank several cups of coffee quite fast, snagged a muffin and loaded up in Bobby the Boxcar for the third leg of this journey.

I'm not sure how the taxpayers of New Mexico achieve this, fiscally, but every square mile of every road in New Mexico is under construction at all times. Out of sheer boredeom I started counting the orange construction cones but stopped when I got to 1.7 trillion. In Texas there are miles and miles of nothing but miles and miles, as the saying goes. In New Mexico there are miles and miles of nothing but construction zones. It was one lane here and one lane there..stopped for a while here..stare at the rather bland scenery there.

After what seemed like forever I made it back to the God blessed state of Texas, only 800 miles north of where I started. For probably the only time in my life, I drove across the Texas panhandle from West to East and on into Oklahoma.

Now Oklahoma holds a special place in my heart because both my parents were born there and I still have a passel of cousins and uncles and aunts there. It holds a special place in my heart...albeit a very teeny tiny small special place.

I drove across Oklahoma as fast as I could, stopping briefly to eat dinner with an old friend Micah McKamie in Oklahoma City. There ain't much to see in Oklahoma, really. In fact, the travel and visitors bureau headquarters is in a kiosk in a truck stop in Altus.

I'm kidding. It's got its nice parts.

By late evening I rolled in the beautiful backward state of Arkansas. About an hour in I found a Motel 6 Van Buren and camped for the night. Bobby settled in for a comfortable night of rest and I nestled my head into a rough, not-soft-at-all hotel pillow. Tomorrow would be a big day..the final push into Nashville, and consequently, a push into the most bizarre two days of the trip.


That's the story of my life...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Winston. This is your past self. I was just checking to see if the comment mechanism worked because no one is leaving comments anymore. I'm thinking it has something to do with a noticeable decline in the quality of your work. Anyway, here goes my comment:

Pithy, pithy, pithy!!

9:18 PM  

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