Thursday, August 17, 2006

Funny Farm to Change Name, Hall Vows Bigger Profits

Waring, TX - In a stunning move, The Funny Farm CEO Winston A. Hall announced Thursday that The Funny Farm, Inc., an international business juggernaut, will be changing its name to El Ranch Divertido, Inc. as of noon Friday. The move comes after Hall resurrected The Chicken Cooperative late last month.

"Basically, with the resurrection of The Chicken Co-op, the growth of the Funny Farm, and the world's burgeoning farm market, we wanted to go with a name more indicative of our international market, so we decided on a name change. Our official title will now be El Rancho Divertido, Incorporated, " Hall said.

In addition, The Funny Farm will change its now world-renown logo.

"It used to a be just a goat," Hall said. Now its a goat wearing a sombrero with a chicken standing on its back."

Hall's announcement comes amidst of a flood of major Wall Street mergers. According to Berkshire-Hathaway CEO Warren Buffet, Hall's move may prove to be smart.

"I remember when Winston Hall and I were in college together," Buffet said. "Even then, when he changed his name from Pubert Ginwright to Winston Hall I knew he really liked changing the names of things. I guess you just can't keep a duck from quacking..of course I mean that as a sort of metaphor in that Mr. Hall is like a duck and the ways he changes names arbitrarily is like a duck quacking. You know...its just what he does. It's who he is and there's no sense in trying to stop him."

The Funny Farm recorded record third quarter profits but Hall vows with the name change, even higher record earnings.

"Last quarter we showed $495 billion in profits," Hall said. "This quarter we're shooting for a solid $1 ska-jillion because that seems like a good, round number. I think its doable."

Name changes are not cheap, according to a recent study by Hoober and Jones Research firm. With a company like The Funny Farm signage alone can cost $50 billion dollars. But that does not seem to bother Hall.

"What can I say? I am a risk taker and in the end, I believe it will be well worth it."

That's the story of my life...


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