Thursday, August 03, 2006

Whimsical World Creator Reveals Contemplative Side, Doubles Size of Blogging Empire

Waring, TX - I know this may come as a disappointment to many of you, but I actually do have a serious side (somewhere near my butt). Just kidding, actually I do have many thoughts and pondering during the course of a day that are much too political for The Whimsical World (and thus divisive and polarizing). I, like many journalists, feel a slight responsibilty to focus on the issues at hand and examine them--investigate them-- and make them digestable for all and at the very least digestable for myself; also, to impugn those with which I disagree, and to stand up for something, fearing not ridicule and belittlement for the cause of what I believe to be right.

It is brand new but I have posted a quote worth reading:

If you don't want to see my serious side, avert your eyes now. HA! What I meant was, if you don't want to see my serious side, don't read my other blog. But please DO continue to read The Whimsical World of Winston.

That's the story of my life...


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