Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Bored Secretary Googles Google, Computer in Oklahoma Explodes

Denver, CO - (AP) A secretary at a benefit planning company in Denver, Colorado, googled Google last Thursdsay resulting in a catastrophic meltdown of Google's services for more than 24 hours and a minor explosion of a computer in Pawhuska, Oklahoma. According to a Google spokesperson, the billion-dollar company was not prepared for such a search because "we never thought someone would actually do that."

Sarah McAby, 23, the secretary who googled Google, was questioned by police for more than six hours trying to determine her motives.

"At this point, we have determined [Ms. McAby's] actions were not terrorist related," John Hendrix said. Hendrix is the Assistant-in-Chief of the Provinicial Technology Counter-terrorism Department at the Pentagon. "It appears her actions were naive...and, I might add, quite stupid."

In a formal statement released by Ms. McAby's lawyer, she apologized for the trouble she caused Google.

"My poor judgement in googling Google cost many people large sums of money and, as I was informed, blew up someone's private computer in Oklahoma, of which I am terribly regretful. I hope to put this incident behind me and plan to continue using Google for all my search engine needs."

Officials at Google attributed the technological disaster to a flawed algorithm. Company spokersperson Janet Myers spoke at a press conference on Friday.

"It appears Ms. McAby's actions overloaded one of our servers and pitted two rival algorithms against each other, which deteriorated the entire circuit board into a full-fleged civil war of sorts. The result was the meltdown of a Mitsubishi mainframe and the unfortunate explosion of the private computer in Pawhuska, which has sense been paid for by Google," Myers said.

When asked about future possibilites of some numbskull googling Google, Ms. Myers added that "proper precautions have been taken against such actions in the future."

The owner of the computer in Oklahoma could not be reached for comment but authorities did release information saying no one was hurt in the incident because the owner was not in the home at the time.

That's the story of my life...


Blogger Martha Elaine Belden said...

ummm... yeah... i totally googled Google after reading this post (i know, i know)... nothing exciting happened though, so i guess they fixed the glitch :)

4:39 PM  

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