Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Child Disappointed to Find Mothball Not Actual Ball of Moths

Waring, TX - Actually, there is no story here. I was just looking for an excuse to write the above headline, which I find hilarious. I thought of it at approximately 2:34 CST and have been waiting partiently so I could get home and post it. The idea was prompted today while driving down the road. I drove through a prodigious swarm/flock/gaggle of moths that muddied my windshield. That of course led to thoughts of how big a mothball you would need to get rid of so many moths, which led to my thought of what a giant mothball would look like, which led to the thought that a mothball made of actual moths would be much funnier than an actual mothball. Wow.

That's the story of my life...


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