Saturday, September 02, 2006

Whimsical World Unveils 'Word of the Day'

Waring, Tx - So I wanted to try something new here at the Whimsical World to at the very least keep myself entertained. (I'm tired of writing about goats.) Therefore, I am unveiling my new Word of the Day Campaign in which, on a completely random basis, post words which I deem as words that you (faithful reader) need to know. So here goes.


SUBTERFUGE (noun) A "terfuge" located underneath the ground.

In a sentence: "Wow! Look at that subterfuge!"

Hopefully, as the Words of the Day pile up, you will find your knowledge extrapolating itself grotesquely. (I have no idea what that previous sentence means.) Look for more words in the future!

Sidenote: My computer access is extremely limited at this point due to a number of reasons. Please bear with me and faithfully visit the Whimsical World. Posts will come in volumous chunks more than likely.


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