Monday, September 11, 2006

Montgomery Does it Again! Film Crew Descends on Waring Residence

Waring, TX - Most of you know, by this point, of the antics of my neighbor and good friend M.E. Montgomery. He's one of these guys who has "done it all" and every time I turn around he's done something new and ridiculous and "off the hook."

Well, he's done it again.

Last week I received a call from Carol Patton (at the General Store.) I was out of town with work at the time and she informed me a commercial crew was in Waring, believe it or not, looking for people to use in a Chevy truck commercial. I assumed it was for the local dealership just down the road. I told Carol I was out of town but thanks for the offer. So, the unassuming little film crew mosied over to M.E.'s depot where they found him piddling on some junk.

Now. M.E. is what I like to call a piddler. He is always piddling. I hear noises of all kinds coming from behind his house at all hours of the day. The sounds are always a result of something having been piddled. (Once when I saw him working on the parabolic dish he used for his internet, I dubbed him Piddler On the Roof.)

Now, this poor crew introduced themselves to M.E. just like every other poor stranger introduces himself to M.E. and immediately they were ensconced in a discussion I'm sure about neo-cons, Flat Earthers, the reproductive cycles of chickens and caterpillar migratory habits, among other things.

The crew needed something tough, they said, so M.E. welded some things for them, which delighted them. They were there for an hour and half and handed M.E. a check for $150.

That is not the part that really depressed me when I heard this story from M.E. just yesterday. What really, really depressed me was when M.E. told me the crew finished filming and then returned to their office...


You see the film crew was not local, they were national, and the commercial M.E. will be appearing in is a NATIONAL commerical to be filmed during NFL football games all across America. This only further substantiates my theory that if you stay in Waring long enough the WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD will pass through.

Further investigation of this theory with Ed Patton turned up others that have passed through Waring: Alan Jackson (filmed a Ford commerical here), Reba McEntire, Emily from the Dixie Chicks (owned a ranch here), Flaco Jiminez, Rob Roy Parnell, and yours truly.

Everybody has been to Waring at some point, including film crews from Chevrolet. The salt in the wound on this one, and I mean wiggling the dagger in my back, is that M.E. will receive compensation for his time, every time the commercial is aired nationwide...not to exceed the amount of $3,000 of course.

I could have paid off all my debts with $3,000. Luckily, I was on the clock at my "real" job making the daily wage of $70. Had I actually been in Waring when the crew rolled through I would be $3,000 richer. Would someone please tell me how a real job is supposed to be a good thing?!?!

Of course, this is not new to Mr. Montgomery. According to a story he told, he was once interviewed by Dan Rather on the CBS news. For what? God only knows. It probably had something to with his days as a profesional sand castle builder, if I had to take a wild guess.

In the meantime, M.E. is laughing all the way to the bank...again. Look for him this fall on a Chevy truck ad near you.

That really is the story of my life...


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