Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Adventures in Pleasantville, Blogger Explores Bizarre Utopian Society

Franklin, TN- I apologize first and foremost for the delay in posting. My bad. This season of life finds me in Middle Tennessee on yet another adventure. I am here in Franklin south of Nashville. The reasons I am here are plentiful so I will spare you the details. But as usual it has been quite the adventure. I am here with my good friend Jonathan Avitia working on some building opportunities and we have been perplexed at the absolute Pleasantville-ness of this town.

Franklin (pop. 52,000) is beautiful and it is not hard to miss the beautiful people here. Jonathan and I did a very unscientific study that determined that 62 percent of all women here ages 20-25 are attractive. Additionally, they are all rich, which makes for a good combination. To further the Pleasantville theory, the people here are obsessively friendly. Case in point a sign on a telephone pole that said "found: 35 mm digital camera. Please call 555-5555." I have yet to encounter anyone the least bit not friendly.

Three days ago we discovered the Franklin Athletic Club. For a mere $29.99 a month you can partake in a health club with plasma screen tv's on every treadmill, a basketball court, a resident massage therapist, a smoothie bar, and most importantly, a cardio theater. That's right. The building was once a movie theater and you can still bike or jog while watching a movie on a life size movie screen in a movie theater. If that's not enough, some of the gym's clientele include world-famous supermodel Niki Taylor and American Idol star Carrie Underwood.

Hello Pleasantville.

I have yet to see a single piece of litter here. All the women are beautiful. We discovered the Perfect Beer downtown ($8 a bottle). Every street is tree lined. And every one of those trees was in perfect fall color when I arrived.

Understandably, I am still trying to process all of this but I will certainly share more as I gain a better grasp of what life is like here in Pleasantville, Tennessee.

That's the story of my life...


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