Friday, February 03, 2006

'Blond Versus Blonde,' Online Gun Battle Rages On

Waring, TX - Another post on my blog poured in over the weekend from my good friend "youareanidiot," who paid a huge compliment to me by actually returning to my page to read my blog yet again. I am beginning to think he/she and Randy Wolff might be the only people reading it.

So, if you missed the first round "youareanidiot" politely reminded me I misspelled "blond/blonde." I did not include an "e" in my spelling. My argument is that both are acceptable. "Youareanidiot" pointed out that as I posted on my own page, that "blond" is masculine and "blonde" is feminine. My perception of that section of the definition is that is was the etymology of that other words the origin of the spelling but not necessarily the current use.

Apparently, I made a boo-boo.

According to my etymology dictionary blond/blonde is derived from the Latin word "blandus" which means "yellow." It continues: "The word was reintroduced into Engish in the 17th Century from French, and was until recently still felt as French, hence blonde for females."

Damn the French. So, as you can see, it appears "youareanidiot" has won this battle. I am not above admitting my etymological errors. My only hope is that "youareanidiot" might change his/her name to "youdidntdoyourresearch."

Despite what you might be thinking, I like the style of "youareanidiot." He/she writes with a perfect combination of wit/cynicism/sarcasm/fact. I am offering him/her a full time staff writing position here at The Whimsical World of Wisdom. I cannot pay him/her just yet or offer him/her benefits of any kind, but I can promise that at least three people will read what she/he writes every time he/she submits a post.

And so it is: I misspelled "blonde" and "youareanidiot" misspelled "misspelled." War(...uh!) what is it good for? Absolutely nooooothing.

That's the story of my life...


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