Friday, January 13, 2006

Old Dog Learns New Trick, Master Mourns Loss of Age-Old Colloquialism

Boerne, TX - In an unprecedented turn of events early Friday morning, my dog learned to fetch a stick. Now, most people would not consider this odd except for one extenuating factor: my dog is almost eleven years old.

My best friend Jonathan inquired while holding a stick whether or not my dog, named Girl, knew how to fetch a stick, to which I replied:

"I have never seen her fetch a stick, in all eleven years of her life."

Jonathan flung the stick across the yard at which point my dog fetched it, willingly, obligingly, and quite eagerly, plopping the stick at his feet and gazing upward while anxiously awaiting the next throw.

She did not fetch the stick for me. After several fetches for Jonathan, she quit, laying down in the grass and rolling over in the please-scratch-my-stomach-because-I-acquiesed-to-your-ridiculous-request pose.

Her actions completely discredited the old axiom, unless of course she learned the trick while she was young and waited nine years to do it - which with this dog is highly possible. I guesss you can decide. In the meantime, I am going to go fetch some dinner.

That's the story of my life...


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