Sunday, January 22, 2006

Local Duo Retreats to Secret Undisclosed Location to Locate Disclosed Unsecrets

An Undisclosed Location - My best friend Jonathan Avitia and I have stumbled upon something very special. For the majority of our lives, we have both considered ourselves thinkers. We do not get paid from nine to five to think, but we do often find time to sit under a tree or by the water and philosophie about life and all its intricacies and ironies. We rarely note these conversations on paper and never record them on any kind of electronic recording device.

Such is the case no longer. We are proud to announce Think Pot Studios, a play on words of course on Stink Pot, which we have both been accused of being. We have already faced preliminary accusations that the name has a different meaning, but we will leave the grammatical jerrymandering to others.

Think Pot Studios is located in a very secretive never-to-be-revealed location high in the hills above a three car garage outside of San Antonio, Texas. If you are thinking that Think Pot Studios is in the aforementioned town of Waring, you could not be any further from the truth. Please don’t try to find us. T’would be a fool’s errand.

The Studio has a mission of sorts: to be an incubator for recalcitrant thought and actions (like smoking pipes and saying cuss words arbitrarily) as well as providing a secured location to posit theories on almost any topic as well as pursue academic endeavors such as writing and designing things. The only stipulation is that all thoughts, writings, designs and actions must be documented thoroughly, or at the very least duly noted. Remember, changing the world begins with the pleasant realization that a thought you just had is worth remembering.

Another rule, although not as stringent but just as important is that once entering The Studio, the Thinker must always be wearing a head covering of some kind. We wear Thinking Caps here at Think Pot Studios, and any one with a bare head is considered a non-Thinker and is not allowed under any circumstance to participate in the thinking.

Tonight’s mission is two-fold. First I am completing a writing contract assigned by ETS Publishing out of San Antonio. The deadline is tomorrow. (The passages I am writing might, might end up on the TAKS test. If you are a teacher in the state of Texas, don’t be a hatuh. I am trying to make a buck just like everyone else.)

Part two is to interview my good friend Jonathan Avitia about some of his life stories. This is of course research I am doing for my first novel, A Place of Shade and Stream. If I do my research correctly, it could be the definitive work in American literature regarding the trials and tribulations of coming of age in a small town.

Think Pot Studios is stocked to the gills with libations, food, as well as sleeping quarters for any Thinker who desires to slumber here for the evening. I have made the Thinking process even more enjoyable by packing a bath robe which I am wearing as we speak.

Everyone in this world should have a place like this, to retreat and ponder, to light a fire and let the soft smell of vanilla pipe tobacco fill the room- to distance yourself from the very world on which you pontificate. I encourage you to find one for yourself, but please don’t ask to use ours. When it comes to Think Pot Studios, our door is always closed.

And that’s the story of my life…


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