Friday, January 27, 2006

Waring Man Encounters Goddess, Walks Away with Phone Number

Marble Falls, TX - Sometimes life happens when you least expect it. You walk out the door like you always do and then go to your job like you always do and then you do your job like you always do when suddenly, quite suddenly, quite wonderfully something out of the ordinary happens. Segue story:

Last Wednesday, I found myself in Marble Falls Texas, per my job with Servpro, a fire and water damage restoration company. I go to Marble Falls every two weeks because I drive all over the Hill Country marketing this company reminding insurance agents to call Servpro when they need someone to clean up a water or fire damage.

In one of those little, makes-no-sense-whatsover decisions, I turned down a street a block early. As I was driving down said street, I noticed on the opposite side of the road a pickup truck bed full of pink. As I looked closer, I realized the pink was a display of some sorts, and whoever was displaying the pink items was selling everything "half-price, going out of business."

As I drove by, I spotted blond hair. If you are not a man, let me explain something to you about men. Blond hair= drive by and get a better look.

I made my scheduled stop two blocks away and then quickly returned back toward the sight of the display. As I approached the truck, the Blond turned away from me and started walking toward the sidewalk.

At the very last second, she turned around and we made eye contact.


I made it eight cars past her and came to a stop sign.

Now I digress. When I was in high school, and even my freshman year of college, I was a consummate dweeb. If you gave me the choice between facing a beautiful woman or running away, I would run away. Loping. With my arms dangling awkwardly below me. Like an ape really. Sometimes I cried, as I recall.

Now back to the stop sign. Sitting there, I made a split second decision to put the little green Servpro truck in reverse. It was one of those empowering decisions, like when you buy an airplane ticket, or tell someone off, or bravely drive past a rest area when you have to go to the bathroom really bad.

I screeched to a halt and inquired of The Blond what she was selling.

“Mary Kay.”

Perfect. I had absolutely no reason whatsoever to buy Mary Kay. But men are shameless and I found a reason to buy ten dollars worth of Mary Kay. Long story short, her name was April and she was even cuter than I had surmised from the first drive-by. We exchanged cards and she even gave me her cell phone number. We tentatively planned a lunch get-together the next time I came through town. Time will tell if Miss April (ha ha ha get it?) is just another pretty face or if she actually has some depth and personality.

I left Marble Falls that day proud of my decision to back track and talk to a beautiful woman. It helps me to forget all the times I didn’t. Luckily, I had a disposable Kodak camera with me and snapped a quick photo of April. You can see the photo if you scroll down. It turned out pretty good for a throw away camera.

That’s the story of my life…


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