Friday, May 12, 2006

Month-long Hiatus Ends in Dramatic Hilariousness

Waring, TX - Well, as many of you may have noticed, I have not posted any blogs in more than a month...until now. I am proud to announce the blog hiatus is officially over. Weather reporters in Waring reported officially more than 6/10 of a blog last Friday which officially ends the hiatus...

At any rate, three reasons why this little town still consistently amazes me.

1.) Last Wedsnesday a big black man named Big John Holiday got on stage at Steaknite (the weekly catered steak event beneath the trees behind the General Store here) and sang the blues like I haven't heard them sung in a long time. It was quite entertaining. Big John Holiday's full time job is a mercedes salesmen. That now puts the list of musicians to pass through at a staggering "alot." Will Owen Gage, Ronnie Leatherman, Greg Forest, and of course yours truly as well as Micah McKamie and our good friend Nate Loizeaux. Maybe someday we will put Waring on the map. Any map...actually would be nice.

2.) I was walking my dog on Zoeller Lane yesterday when my good friend and employer Austin Tonroy pulled up in his truck, popped open a cold beer and then departed in a cloud of dust, leaving me holding a cold beer and wondering if that actually just happened. Only in Waring...

3,) On that same trip, I saw a paraglider in the distance only to realize I knew the paraglider. It was my close friend and neighbor Dru Steubing from the Marquardt Ranch just down the river.
It actually interrupted a phone call in which I had to explain to my friend that "I'll have to call you back, I just recognized a paraglider flying by."

Only in Waring.

And that's the story of my life...