Sunday, January 28, 2007

Lights! Camera! Winston?

Franklin, TN~ I received a very interesting phone call last Wednesday. The nature of the call is even more interesting when you consider where I was standing when I received it. I was, in no exagerrated terms, wearing a hard hat and holding a shovel...shoveling gravel and mud on a construction site in Arrington, Tennessee.

I had been working all day as a temp worker for a construction site that needed its street drain covers cleaned to prevent construction debris from going "into the river." (You might wonder why I was operating a shovel with a college degree: because I have no idea what I want to do with my life. That's why, and I might as well be in the fresh air while trying to figure this out.)

Picture this. I was dirty, tired, sore, hungry, and not the least bit excited about the last two hours of the day when my phone rang. It was my old college bud Matt "The Flash" Keim. Now, Matt ran off to Shreveport, LA several years ago and I hadn't heard much from him. But, as with all great stories, Matt was hard and work and found his way on to a Hollywood movie Shreveport (something to do with tax breaks and Hurricane Katrina.)

In no uncertain terms, Matt said he had work for me to do on the set, something called a production assistant. Basically, the job is to do whatever the director and others tell you to do. Grunt work, I suppose, much like my shovel job but on the set of a Hollywood movie. Matt told me the pay was twice that of my ditch digging gig. I surveyed the work site and laughed. Only in the Whimsical World of Winston could there be such a contradiction: talking to someone on a movie set (who had to whisper because they were filming) while holding a shovel that I was getting paid nine dollars an hour to operate.

Life is insane.

Anyway, I had two options:
1. Be in Shreveport by 8 a.m. the next morning or
2. Wait around for the next opportunity, which Matt assured me would come.

So, now I am in a beautiful world of limbo, waiting, on all things, a call to drop what I'm doing and come work on a movie set. I'm not really sure how these things happen. This is reminiscent of course of my little trip to the CMA after party last fall. I have never been blessed with any amount of money. In fact, I am what most governments would classify as "impoverished." But boy do I have some stories! As for me and my silver screen possibilities rest assured I will keep the Whimsical World posts going, even if I find myself in Shreveport in a couple of months.

As if that's not enough, I also found out my good friend Andrew Lovell is also there now. That would mean three guys who appeared in each others college film projects would all be working together on an actual cool is that?!?!?

I remember growing up my dad would say the ringing phone was probably Hollywood calling him. Turns out that is not such an outrageous claim after all.

That's the story of my life...

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Hall Gunned Down in Barbados, 'Bout Damned Time' Witnesses Claim

(Editor's note: This is an actual news report about a hated killer in Barbados guessed it...Winston Hall. I am not making this up.)

FORCED TO FIRE (at Winston Hall)

WINSTON HALL, the island's most notorious fugitive, refused to surrender and was chopping at a policeman; that's why he was shot.The death of the fleet-footed prisoner is the subject of an inquest before Magistrate Faith Marshall-Harris, which started yesterday and included that testimony of the policeman who fired the fatal shot to Hall's chest.... Constable Henderson Yearwood, the only armed policeman that morning, said Hall was swinging a cutlass at his partner Constable Cedric Neblett, when he fired at him four times in a yard. Yearwood, Neblett and Constable Carson Hoyte, who were present during the wee hours of May 27, 2004, when 40-year-old Hall was shot, said when he was repeatedly told to surrender, Hall, using expletives, said they would have to kill him. Source: Nation News

This is some sore of commentary about the event on the same webpage:

"Man Hall coulda been waving a chicken wing in the air, he woulda still get peppa. Winston should been added to the national heroes list, for providing continuous entertainment for the bajan public. You really feel that Errol Barrow coulda escape from maximum security 3 times??? De man brilliant. It's interesting how in the wee hours of the morning, they went to pick up an armed and dangerous man, with only ONE police carrying a gun. So Winston do what any other person woulda done... went to chop the idiot that come wid he 2 long hands. So, de armed police leggo 4 shots, and one hit Hall in he chest, so now he claiming how he save his friend from harm. Amm.. buddy, so Hall was so close to your partner that Hall coulda chop he with a sword, yet still, you missed 3 times? Wuh your partner do you? Or you decide to give Hall a chance? And if they were so close and you miss Hall, that mean you barely missed the Constable too. With a partner like that, man Hall would be the least of my worries."

That's the story of some other guy;s life who just happened to share my name...

Ey Didd Sumtheng Vary BAdd tooDay

Frankleen, Tenuhsee- Hy evrybodee its mee agen, hartt. Ey am winstuns puppeee butt iy am lik allmoist eeleben munths owld sew i dont no how longe i will bee a puppeee.

aneeway i dygress. so urlyer tooday wee wint two nashvill wich is en tenuhsee sumware and it wuz reeley cold sew winstun lef Gurl (shee iz mi rooomate) hear too sleeep en thu dawghowse all daay becuz shee dusnt lik the cold. anyway i haf nevur gawn aneewear withowt Gurl EVEER ad i was reeley skared. Reeley skared and i was afrayed i shuk a lot butt not frum the cold frum beeng skared and lonly.

aneeway, wee wint to lows to by sum mortir mix and aftur a looong tim winstun didunt com owtsid so i wint in to looook four hym. usooaly, Gurl wud say "no hartt, stey hear in th truk winstun will com bak" but Gurl wasunt thar so i wint in two the stor. iy made a bee lyne strate in th stor and didunt sea winstun sew i jist ran and ran and ran an finully hid undur a deesplay on isle thurty won bi sum sheeet metul. Ey wuz steel shakeeng.

aneeway, aftur wut seemed lik fourevur winstun stuk his hed undur th dispaly an sed "HARTT!! Wut the F*#& r yu dooing runneng arownd in lows?!?!?!?!" I fult reeley badd fur beeing a badd dawg. Reeley badd. ey got a whoopun butt not insid. it wuz owtside wear th publick cooldunt sea th whoopen.

aneeway, I lurned mi lessun nevre too run tino lows, or wall mArt or targit or aneethang lik that. that iz reeley badd and yu shooludnt eether unnless yu ar not a dawg.

aneeway i haf too gow now becuz my pawz ar sore frum tiping. O yeh, Geenuh iff yo r reeding this pleeze tel Brogin i sed hi.

Thats th storie uf mi life...

Friday, January 19, 2007

Joke of the Day #4,253,139

Franklin, TN ~ I am proud to announce yet another feature here at The Whimsical World of Winston.

I am always looking for new and exciting ventures to keep you (the readers) coming back. So, I have created Joke of the Day. Jokes are like puppies. They are inherently fun to have around and they squeak when you step on them. Wait. That was completely wrong. Jokes NEVER squeak when you step on them. Anyway, the idea behind joke of the day is that there are many other people in the world with funnier, more insightful thoughts than I have. So, I will find those thoughts and share them with you. If I have one I will share it as well.

Theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeereore, your joke of the day for January 19, 2007 is courtesy of Milton Berle:

"A man is hit by a car while crossing a Beverly Hills street. A woman rushes to him and cradles his head in her lap, asking, "Are you comfortable?" The man answers, "I make a nice living."

Ha! That's classic! I sincerely hope everyone shares laughter with at least one other person today!

That's the story of my life...

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Whimsical World Hails Birth of Whimsical Sis! Hall Cackles Screams of Maniacal Laughter As His Creation Spawns New Life...Bu-wahahahahahahah!

Franklin, TN- I was informed by my older sister today that she has created her own blog because of a class she's taking in her masters program. Now, this would not be that big a deal if it weren't for the fact that her blog address is

You heard me. Whimsical sis. It seems my sister is riding the wave of fame and prosperity I've found with the Whimsical World of Winston. (fame and prosperity?) If you find several spare moments check out her page. She has posted a picture of her ferocious Alaskan wolfhound named Daisy lounging on a pile of leaves. The fact that I said she is sitting ON a pile of leaves should be a hint as to the size of this dog.

I guess something like this was to be expected. Every successful sitcom has a spin-off and now the Whimsical World has one as well. Sweet.

That's the story of my life...

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Okay okay okay. I have chosen to reveal my identity. This is me chillin' like a villain over the Christmas holidays. Shortly after this photo was snapped a rampaging elephant crashed through the window behind me.  Posted by Picasa

Word of the Day #1,246,327

Franklin, TN- Hello Whimsical World Faithfuls! You're word of the day for January 14, 2007 is:

mackle-(noun) blurred or double impression in printing

In a sentence: Wow! Look at that mackle!

(Word of the Day courtesty of

That's the story of my life...

Saturday, January 13, 2007

These are my dogs Girl (the black one) and Hart outside a hotel last week. They really like to travel. Hart owns his own set of luggage, although I'm not really sure where he got it.  Posted by Picasa

So I pulled some strings and landed a tour bus for my New Year's Eve gig down in Texas. Unfortunately, right after this photo was snapped a rampaging elephant knocked the bus over.  Posted by Picasa

Whimsical World Celebrates One Year, Wets Itself

Franklin, TN- I am a little over due on this post, but on January 5th, The Whimsical World of Winston celebrated one year of age. This came, of course, right on the heels of receiving our 1000th visitor. For those of you who weren't here at the inception of the Whimsical World, I have forged my way through any number of memories over the past year. Everything from owning a menagerie (nine chickens, three goats, two dogs, one cat, and a shetland pony) to a trip across the southern U.S. in a Budget rental truck, and of course many other adventures. All of these came while I operated out of the homebase in Waring, Texas. Now, my operations have shifted to Franklin, Tenn., which is not as unique and interesting as Waring but definitely fraught with possibility.

Over the Christmas break (Dec. 20 to Jan. 12) I drove over 3,000 miles in Ranger Bob One, my Ford Ranger pickup. I had to be in eight places at once over the three week period hence the unbelievable mileage.

But perhaps the biggest news is The Whimsical World is now owner of a 6.0 megapixel digital camera so the Whimsical World of Winston is entering a whole new stratosphere of information propogation. Please look for many new crazy photos shortly.

Anyway, on a very serious note, to those of you who read reguraly: THANK YOU. If it weren't for you, my blogging empire would only be a much like Puerto Rico, a commonwealth, territory or subsidiary of a much larger blogging to speak. Now that I actually made it back to Franklin, and the first birthday is behind us, I look excitedly to the year to come. Happy New Year and Feliz Gatos.

That's the story of my life...