Saturday, April 08, 2006

Blogger Disgusted by Urinal Incident, Also Taken on Magical Journey in Time

San Angelo, TX - I am not easily bothered by public toilets. After all, I've been using them for many years now; pretty much since I quit using diapers...which by my calculations was at least 8 years ago.

Here's the rub: I went into a grocery store, used the urinal and then experienced something I've never experienced before, nor since. I flushed the toilet like normal and then detected something unmistakable and inescapably wrong:


That's right. I felt a slight mist coming from the urinal. For one very brief moment, I was carried away to a sunny spring afternoon by the East Quoddy light house in Maine, a candy-striped joy of a time many moons ago when I traveled up that way. But then, horribly, I was sucked back into the current situation: a flourescent, tiled, drab public restroom. And this was no ocean, the mist was coming FROM THE URINAL.

What can I say. By the time I had pondered the fact that it was misting on me, the damage had been done. I had been misted upon and there was nothing I could do about it. It was a catastrophic clash of paradoxical ideas: something so wonderful and rereshing as mist coming from something as utterly disgusting as a public urinal. Eck.

(A digression: I always loved those toilets that flush so hard they change the air pressure in the room, make your ears pop and creat a vacuum seal with the door...but that's another blog for another day.)

Anyway, after the fizzled soak, I retreated back into the store as though nothing had happened. One thing is for sure. I will someday feel a mist and think of urinals and most certainly next time I use a urinal I will think of mist.

That's the story of my life...


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